IVF Multiroom Benchtop Incubator DCHI-2/DCHI-4 (Humidified culture)

The DiviCell DCHI-2/4 Multiroom Incubator, a reliable product from Unicorn Medical’s DiviCell line, ensures a consistent culture environment. Its compact design features direct heat regulation to prevent vapor condensation, allowing for rapid temperature and gas recovery. This results in enhanced precision and uniformity in temperature control, making it an ideal choice for sensitive culture conditions.


  1. Stable temperature with excellent thermal distribution consistency
  2. Designed gas and humidification control system
  3. Unique culturing chamber for pH monitoring and tubes heating
  4. Achieving data track of petri dishes in and out via RFID function


Chambers number24
Temperature control
Temperature uniformity±0.1℃±0.1℃
Gas supply pressure1 bar1 bar
Gas supplyPremixed gas (Typically 6% CO2, 5% O2, 89% N2)
Gas concentration
monitoring (optional)
Monitoring the concentration of input gas (O2 & CO2)
Flow accuracy± 10% or ± 3 ml/minute± 10% or ± 3 ml/minute
Flow control accuracy± 5% or ± 2 ml/minute± 5% or ± 2 ml/minute
HumidityCurrent value of relative humidity is displayed (% RH)
Humidifier with water level indicator and low-water alarm
Dishes per chamber8 x Nunc 30 mm Petri dishes
4 x Falcon® 60 mm Petri dishes
4 x Nunc® 4 well Petri dishes
4 x Nunc 30 mm Petri dishes
2 x Falcon® 60 mm Petri dishes
2 x Nunc® 4 well Petri dishes
Tube at warm-up bin6x 5ml/14ml tubes6x 5ml/14ml tubes


DiviCell Multiroom Incubator DCHI-2/4 (299 downloads )

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