AccuONE-150 Digital PCR

The digital PCR system can evenly divide the PCR reaction system into tens of thousands of reaction droplets, each droplet completes PCR amplification in parallel and independently, and makes statistics by judging the presence or absence of fluorescent signals after the amplification of each droplet is completed, and finally according to The Poisson distribution formula is used to calculate the initial concentration or copy number of the target gene in the original system. The digital PCR system can be applied in: tumor liquid biopsy, non-invasive prenatal diagnosis, pathogenic microorganism detection, viral load determination, copy number variation, rare mutation detection, relative gene expression research, transgenic detection, next-generation sequencing result verification and other fields.

  • Chip utilization rate is 100%, independently
  • Test is completed within 2 hours
  • 6 fluorescence channel, probe/dye
  • 4 types of chips (15K/20K/28K/50K)


Technical Advantages

  • Micro-cavity chip: MEMS processing, micro-nano chip processing, uniform chamber volume
  • Automated preparation: One-key preparation of microsystems, no need for manual pipetting, avoiding errors caused by different personnel operations.
  • 6 color fluorescence: The biochip reader is equipped with a 6-color fluorescence detection system, which can realize 6 multiplex detection in a single sample, saving samples and significantly improving detection efficiency.
  • Various options:  Chips with four unit numbers of 15k, 20k, 28k and 50k are provided. probe method, dye method, and one-step method dPCR Master Mix.
  • Open system: Compatible with a variety of mainstream brand reagents (Thermo, Roche, Qiagen, Takara, Transgene, Yeasen, etc.), users only need to make simple adjustment to the above reagent systems to quickly achieve compatibility
  • Direct: Interpretation by endpoint method, no standard curve required.
  • Sensitive: Single copy detection, suitable for low concentration samples
  • Stable: Not susceptible to inhibitory factors & amplification efficiency


  • Molecular biology: Gene expression, CNV, Methylation
  • Medical research: Liquid biopsy, NIPT, Tumor, Genetic disease
  • Pathogens: HIV, HBV, HCV, nCoV, Bacteria, Fungus, Mycoplasma, Chlamydia
  • Bio-pharma: Process QC, Drug evaluation
  • Agriculture/Food: GMO, Genetic breeding, Food safety
  • Environmental: Soil, Water


  1. System preparation: Mix nucleic acid template, digital PCR Master Mix, primers, probes and other PCR components in proportion
  2. Micro-unit generation: The sample preparation instrument completes the generation of tens of thousands of micro-units
  3. PCR thermal cycler: Complete gene amplification on the gene chip amplification instrument
  4. Chip reader & analysis: Chip photography and imaging, software analysis and calculation of target concentration.

Digital PCR Master Mix

  • DigitalAmp PCR Master Mix (10x):  Suitable for high sensitivity ultra-multiplex dPCR amplification reaction
  • One-step RT-dPCR Mix (5x): One-step reaction system is applied, and RNA is directly amplified.
  • DigitalAmp PCR Master Mix (SYBR Green): Suitable for dye method, efficient and stable



ChipSingle-Chip (15K/20K/28K/50K)
Linear rangeFive orders of magnitude
Reaction volume10~40μl
Sample effective utilization rate>95%
Sample preparation throughput1pc
Amplification throughput12pcs/15pcs
Detection throughput12pcs/15pcs
Detection time2min/pc
Detection channelAtto425, FAM, HEX, ROX, Cy5, Cy5.5
Type of kitsProbe/Dye
Light source6 high energy LED
DetectorHigh resolution CMOS sensor
