How to choose a Laboratory Ultrapure Water System?

As the basic equipment of the laboratory, the laboratory Ultrapure Water System provides more benefits and convenience for the laboratory. Although many experimenters have used the Ultrapure Water System, their understanding of the Ultrapure Water System is not yet sufficient. There are often misunderstandings in the selection and purchase.

Choosing an Ultrapure Water System that meets the requirements of the laboratory is not only required to produce qualified pure and ultrapure water, but also expect it to have other more stable and perfect functions.

How to choose a Laboratory Ultrapure Water System?

1. The water quality should be stable.

Due to the influence of regional, climate and other factors, the water quality of tap water is very unstable, which requires the water system to be able to not be affected by the incoming water, and to consistently produce pure water that meets the specifications. Therefore, the reverse osmosis unit must be two-stage reverse osmosis, and the one-stage or two-stage reverse osmosis of ordinary water system cannot achieve such an effect.

2. Save consumables

Frequent replacement of consumables makes the cost of water system use always high. If you choose a water system with more purified resins in the purification column, increasing the exchange volume will greatly increase the amount of treated water, and the cost of use will be relatively reduced.

3. Equipment monitoring system

If you want to ensure that the water machine can always run smoothly and produce water stably, it is necessary to monitor the water machine system in real time.

To sum up, if the ultrapure water system selected by the laboratory can monitor and record the operation status of the water machine, the use of consumables, and the water quality, the user can clearly know the water quality of the produced water, when to replace the consumables, which unit of the water machine needs maintenance and so on.

Purchasing principles

  1. Confirm the water consumption

Enterprises and customers who purchase equipments need to provide daily water consumption and daily demand for water consumption during peak periods, so that sales engineers can determine the daily water consumption of the laboratory according to the needs of customers, so as to confirm whether the water production capacity of the equipped equipment is satisfied, and select the appropriate model, perform preliminary statistics and calculation of the annual number and cost of replacement of consumables.

  1. Confirm water quality requirements

As a user, you need to clarify the purpose of your ultrapure water system and what project it is used for. If you can provide water quality index requirements, such as resistivity, bacteria removal and other indicators, it will be more conducive to quick selection.

  1. Confirm the quality of source water

Enterprises and customers who purchase equipments must know the quality of source water at their location, that is, source water hardness, turbidity and other information, and provide source water quality reports as much as possible, so that ultrapure water system manufacturers can judge the source water quality, and select more suitable ultrapure water system.
